Sunday, December 13, 2009

Fatty Liver Disease More Condition_treatment Has Anyone Had A Successfull Experience With Nursing A Cat With Fatty Liver Disease Back To Health ?

Has anyone had a successfull experience with nursing a cat with fatty liver disease back to health ? - fatty liver disease more condition_treatment

4 weeks ago I learned that my cat had (5 years) a fatty liver.
She had stopped eating for some reason, and it quickly went downhill.
I took her to the vet and have exhausted all possible resources gavage quickly.I every 3-31/2 24 hours / 7 in the last 4 weeks.
(Nasogastric tube is an option, but too expensive) I also give SubQ fluids every other day. Some days I think trying to recover a little, eat their own. Then the next day, she takes no food. It seems that the phase 1 front, 2 rear.
To someone else had this experience and success? Should I try? HELP!


DachsieL... said...

I am with my son 8 years old Siamese mix. Unless, of course, insert a nasogastric tube, not through his stomach through the throat, and now I can not think of the name. But I AnyRate every 6 hours to feed, canned food left in his cage, went through all the ups and downs, he has recovered. Approximately 3 weeks after the feeding tube was placed, I came home and had. It has been up and down for a while, but I'll be honest, had a feeding tube and was at the hospital emergency ward at the hospital, I have over time. I do not know what to say. As far as I remember, I thought it would be 6-8 weeks before she had the feeding tube out. However, he has his account. But since I was 2 weeks and the third week, I brought him home because he had been acouple days off with him to the hospital. Its rough. Talk to your veterinarian if your liver checked the new values? His long and difficult, but if possible I would recommend you get the feeding tube. Facilitate "Life. But it was hot and time with my cat

Katie said...

I had a similar experience in that. We took her to the vet and we drug her, and threw her, and she did not eat the food they have for her, and she lost weight. Finally cleared at the end was. It was terrible, and I hope do not happen to you, but when we took our cat to the vet, they said, they could solve the problem, because we went to find his place down, then I saw him off. I do not want, because I know that he has suffered. If it does not improve in the next few weeks, I have it on. I really hope that if you improve it. Good luck to you.

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