Saturday, February 6, 2010

How Long For Cervix To Drop For Period Period Pains And Stabbing Pains Right Side Abdomen?

Period pains and stabbing pains right side abdomen? - how long for cervix to drop for period

I am 4 weeks pregnant and yesterday had pain dark period until the afternoon when I Stitches in the right side of my abdomen. I went to the doctor in the emergency room because I thought it might be appendicitis. Got assessed in an operational unit, and that they do not think it was. There vaginal exam showed my cervix was closed, so he did not think was a mistake and it is too early for an ectopic. The teenage pregnancy unit called me today and asked me to hCG in the blood have today, Wednesday and Thursday to see whether a reduction in hormone levels - with the miscarriage. I wonder if anyone else still occur, the pain and symptoms, if experienced, it was a miscarriage. He also wondered how long it will be my hormone levels fall, if I had a miscarriage. You can not understand because I have no bleeding. I do not know what other causes of acute pain with knives. please help im so scared.


vanity_1... said...

Pain in the back and belly is not good, especially if Prego. This happened to me. When hormone levels decline in progesterone will help to keep the baby. When hormones are falling baby, there is nothing they can do. You miscarriage. This happened to me. I stayed one days before Mother's 2008th You have to see a little blood on whether and how fast the levels are down. I was told that abortion would be in ten days and it took 48 hours. There were multiple polyps and a Fibor that it was impossible to grow for the baby to B / C there is an obstacle in the womb. I had to remove and try again.

☆Nikki☆ said...

Hello, Aborted, had a very, very bad pain in my back, which is much worse and began performing in the Rhythm contractions, which then lost the fetuses and abundant bleeding lose blood clots CERCLA 7 days

I had the pain that you describe, and went for around 7 weeks and everything was fine scan

DippyD said...

Pain that had checked me and gave me an analysis (which was 7 weeks) everything was OK I said, you may like period pain, when your time is due!

Good Luck

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